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2018 Fellowship for Textbook Specialists of Costa Rica

Visit to the Academy of Korean Studies

Photo-Edgar Solano Muñoz
Edgar Solano Muñoz
Editor, Editorial University of Costa Rica
Here in Latin America, there is a widespread perception that Asians represent a group of society that is dedicated to working on and preserving its culture. After our trip to Korea last October, we noted not only that those two qualities were clearly evident around the country, but also realized that Korea is made up of people who are aware of their history and customs, and who are respectful of others.

We believe that the development achieved by Korea toward the tail end of the twentieth century makes the country a model for those of us who live and work in other continents. The kindness and respect shown by Koreans to their visitors and their industriousness and discipline clearly stand out. One of the features of Korean life that most caught our attention was mealtime. Always in a group as a community, food is shared by everyone within a common space, and is loaded with kindness and generosity. For us, such an environment enhanced the richness of the delicious cuisine and made us feel part of Korean society.

Busan is a city that combines port development with the expansion of large-scale trade, while Seoul, with its tall skyscrapers and notable heritage sites, taught us the lesson that tradition and modernity can coexist without any real problems.

At the Academy of Korean Studies, we were fortunate enough to participate in an educational seminar where we learned about the qualities of the Korean educational system while receiving insightful snippets of the country's history. Our interaction with highly educated academicians was very helpful, and the exchange of ideas filled us with new knowledge about Korean culture. We also had a precious opportunity to tour several historic sites, both in Seoul and in Busan. The experience helped us to verify that history, economy, and tradition can go hand in hand in the construction of a country that had been plagued by wars and enemy invasions for many years.
Photo-2018 Fellowship for Textbook Specialists of Costa Rica

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