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Culture Focus

An Essential Guide for Educators

Infokorea 2018

Book cover - Publisher : The Academy of Korean Studies
- Published date : December 2018
- Page number : 73
- Language : English

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Infokorea is Korea introduced a magazine designed for readers with an interest in Korea and other foreign producers textbooks and teachers. Infokorea is the author of textbooks or foreign editors and reference to textbooks, Korea provides the latest information that teachers can use in teaching resources. Infokorea also provides cultural, social and historical topics featured in Korea.


● Statistics
1. Land, Population, and Households
2. Employment, Labor, and Wages
3. Prices and Household Economy
4. Health and Welfare
5. Environment
6. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
7. Mining and Manufacturing and Energy
8. Construction, Housing, and Land
9. Transportation and Information and Communications
10. Wholesale and Retail and Service Sector
11. Economy and Business Management (Companies)
12. National Accounts, Regional Accounts, and State Assets (National Wealth)
13. Public Finance, Finance, and Insurance
14. Trade and International Balance of Payments
15. Science and Culture
16. Administration
Statistics on Korean Education
● Feature
History of Korean Ceramics
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