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Call for articles to promote the Understanding Korea Project

Photo - Call for articles to promotethe Understanding Korea Project
Greetings! The Center for International Affairs (CEFIA) of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) invites you to submit articles about the “Understanding Korea Project” campaign. This is part of our efforts to publicize activities that are carried out in other countries concerning the contents of textbooks, literature or other materials associated with the said campaign. We would appreciate the monitors’ positive participation.
Deadline   December 31, 2018
Subjects   To be chosen freely concerning the campaign
  Recommended examples:
  - Activities related to Korean culture that are carried out in your country
  - How is Korea portrayed in the textbooks used in your country?
  (history, society, literature, music, sports)
  - Analysis of materials made to help people understand Korea.
  - Comparison between Korean culture and the local culture of your country
  - The way locals view Korea
Quantity   More than one sheet of A4 paper (free style, file PPT, Microsoft Word, HWP, PDF, etc.)
Benefit   Addition of activity points; presentation of award at year’s end, provision of souvenirs
E-mail   Please submit your articles or send your inquiries to:
  - http://www.ikorea.ac.kr/korean
  - E-mail: cefia@aks.ac.kr
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